Our COVID-19 Policy


As we face the ongoing impact of the coronavirus pandemic, the Highly Keen is gathering and sharing updated resources and guidelines to support your response.


During the COVID-19 pandemic spread, millions of people in the country lost their jobs and the country’s economy sustained so much losses in just three months due to “moderate to severe shocks” from the corona virus outbreak. To facilitate the fellow citizens during the environment of chaos added with the panic of job loss and wage reductions, Highly Keen Management Institute declared itself as a “Crisis Leadership Center (CLC)” as our social responsibility during Covid-19 where the institute took multiple initiatives to help our fellow Pakistanis during the toughest of times. Through the platform of CLC, the team Highly Keen helped 100 families got adopted by those who could afford to donate, published articles and emergency policies for managing business during pandemic chaos, appeared on social and digital medias and contributed through thought leadership from multiple forums and much more.


This spread of COVID-19, commonly referred to as the coronavirus, has been an exceptional circumstance with ongoing ramifications for organizations, individuals and society on every level. As the situation continues to develop and change, Highly Keen Management Institute will provide updated advice, resources and guidance to support employers and professionals not only in their response strategies but also in creating alternative plans.


On the completion of 14 years of Highly Keen Management Institute, we introduced revised service delivery models and new ventures to establish the protocols of a New Normal in corporate arena of Pakistan. As a one of its kind virus, it’s still unclear how long the threat will last, so it is more important than ever, that the decisions to Manage business prospects are taken much more wisely.


As per our research and foresight, this new normal is going to be a constant, that too, with all its volatilities. Thus Highly Keen Management Institute is coming up with new methods of delivering services to the corporate world and is also coming up with new ventures at global level. At Highly Keen, we pledge to continue benefiting people and organizations to help them adjust in the new normal with better plans and skillful approaches.